Konferensprogram 2025
Arbetet med 2025 års konferensprogram för Learning Conference är i full gång. Håll utkik på LinkedIn och i vårt nyhetsbrev för att ta del av alla uppdateringar!
Har du tips på ämne, talare, organisationer eller arbetssätt som du vill lära dig mer om eller av på årets konferens?
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Day 1 – 18th September 2024
Exchange experience and tips with exhibitors and industry colleagues over coffee in the exhibition area.
Fritte Fritzson is a comedian and podcaster. For over 15 years he has preformed stand-up at Sweden's largest comedy clubs and also runs "Oslipat", which produces comedy in six cities. Fritte is heard weekly on the popular science podcast "Allt du velat veta", which has nearly 25 million downloads. Together with Marie Agerhäl, he has won the Swedish TV classic "På spåret" twice. Fritte, who loves to combine entertainment and education, has hosted galas and events all over Sweden. This year he will host the Learning Conference, for the second time!
● Fritte Fritzson, Moderator at the Learning Conference
A summary of AI in 2023 - 2024 - the year we turned from conversation to AI experimentation and execution - covering real use cases and results. More information is comming soon.
● Dr Philippa Hardman, Creator & Founder, DOMS™️
AI, hybrid work models, lifelong learning, and self-leadership - these are some of the trends that are reshaping today’s labor market. At the same time, a new generation that is fast-moving, connected and used to receiving immediate feedback is making its entrance. This generation is redefining the expectations from work and leadership, driven by a desire for economic security and work-life balance.
Based on Swedish and international research, Sofia delves into the evolving expectations faced by both employers and employees in today's labor market. Sofia bases her presentation on both global and Swedish research as well as results from the annual survey Ungdomsfokus (2015-2023) which has collected data from over 15,000 respondents between the ages of 15 and 29.
● Sofia Rasmussen, Business analyst, keynote speaker and CEO, Rasmussen Analysis
Exchange experiences and tips with exhibitors and industry colleagues over a Swedish fika in the exhibition are.
💡 Open breakout discussion in the exhibition area.
Sweden is no longer the world leader in employee training. However, to navigate the transformation in the business sector, we need to invest more in employee skills. What is required for us to return to the top?
● Per Hammar, Industry Manager, Almega Utbildningsföretagen
● Anna Felländer, Founder and CEO, Anch.AI
● Mats Engström, IHM Business School
Traditional approaches to learning and performance are not adaptable to the unpredictable and rapid speed of change. The heart of organizational effectiveness is the capacity of employees to learn at or above the speed of change. We must rethink how we design, develop, and deliver learning solutions to keep up with current and future changes.
We must develop dynamic learners: those who are rapid, adaptive, and collaborative in how they learn, unlearn, and relearn. To accomplish this learning must happen at every moment of learning need, beginning with the moment of Apply. Traditional learning models should be immediately transferred and supporting workers in the flow of work with the effective use of available technologies.
The time to change performance is a core metric. Our solutions need to be designed as a cohesive system of reinforcing interventions. We need to break down silos and build stronger partnerships between Talent Management, Knowledge Management, and Support teams.
● Einar Schow, Chief Executive Officer, APPLY Synergies
● Conrad Gottfredson, Co-founder and Chief Learning Strategist · APPLY Synergies
The Promise Award has been established to stimulate the development of the learning & development industry through academic research in the field. Nomination for The Promise Award is open to academic students who, during the past academic year, have produced a high-quality thesis or essay related to the area of learning & development. A jury has evaluated and identified the winning thesis, which is granted the award of 10,000 SEK. In this session, we will award the winning thesis of 2024, and receive a presentation from the authors on the key takeaways on how to further develop the L&D arena.
Enjoy a delightful lunch while having the opportunity to network with other participants. Coffee will be served after lunch.
During the breakout sessions, you can choose which seminar you would like to attend. Select from various topics and deepen your knowledge in the areas that suit you best.
● Digital Skills
● Learning Sciences
● Lifelong Learning
● Learning Culture, Organization, and Strategy
● Learning Tech AI & Design
Integrating Work and Learning Habits Using AI
In a world where technological advancements are accelerating exponentially, traditional learning methods need to be revised. As we navigate this rapid change, we focus on informal learning—gaining insights through processing information, collaborating with colleagues, and learning from experience.
Generative AI amplifies and personalizes informal learning. As a mentor, AI explores alternative perspectives, provides feedback, and supports information processing. It becomes a "backup colleague," always ready to assist, explain, and share additional knowledge.
Moreover, the habits and methods we develop for informal learning are precisely those needed to implement AI effectively in the workplace. This symbiotic relationship between AI and informal learning drives continuous improvement and innovation.
Johan illustrates how AI can streamline informal learning and foster a culture of constant improvement, enhancing productivity and competitiveness in today's fast-paced business environment.
● Johan Skoglöf, Future Learning Organisation
Exchange experiences and tips with exhibitors and industry colleagues over a Swedish fika in the exhibition are.
How to make a measurable difference to performance & experience.
What do you remember from your school days? How much of the content was relevant to the things you cared about? How much do do remember?
Quite often, in our organisations, what we do in learning and development resembles what we do in schools, and we wonder why the return on investment is poor, and the engagement often low.
In 2016 HBR wrote " “senior executives and their HR teams continue to pour money into training, year after year, in an effort to trigger organizational change.
But what they actually need is a new way of thinking about learning and development”
In this session we will talk about what that new approach is, and how to apply it in practice.
● Nick Shackleton-Jones
CEO and Founder, Shackleton Consulting.
Linda liknar organisationer vid en stor stafett där varje medarbetare har huvudrollen på sin sträcka. I en värld i ständig förändring är och förblir en lärandekultur avgörande för att stå sig attraktiv som organisation. Hon föreläser passionerat om hur man skapar och driver en engagerad företagskultur där människor arbetar tillsammans - inte bara samtidigt.
Att känna sig engagerad, motiverad - och i bästa fall passionerad är en dröm för många, men också en vardag för andra. Frågan är - hur skapar vi det? Det och mycket mer reder vi ut tillsammans.
Linda bjuder inte på en powerpoint festival - hon tar med er på en föreställning ni sent kommer glömma. Föreläsningen är minst sagt en inspirerande upplevelse med underbar energi, många härliga skratt - och givetvis laddad med konkreta verktyg för hur ni ska lyckas skapa en engagerad företagskultur tillsammans!
Linda har över 25 års erfarenhet av kommunikation och HR från Stena och Strawberry. Hon har implementerat Stenasfärens värdegrund och affärsfilosofi för koncernens 22 000 medarbetare. Som Director of Passion i Clarion Hotels Ledningsgrupp var det högt ställda målet att göra Clarion Hotel till Nordens mest attraktiva arbetsgivare.
Hon har blivit nominerad årets talare två gånger och kommer garanterat lämna er med en oerhört positiv känsla!
● Linda Hammarstrand, Keynote Speaker, Author, Company Culture Advisor.
● Fritte Fritzson, moderator at the Learning Conference
After the day's lectures have concluded, you are invited to a mingle in the exhibition area where you will have the opportunity to socialize with industry colleagues, both old and new.
When the seminars for the day are over, you are welcome to attend this year's banquet. Experience an evening of celebration, networking, laughter, and dancing, where you will enjoy a three-course dinner, spectacular entertainment, and a unique opportunity to socialize with industry colleagues. Additionally, you will be there when the winners of the Swedish Learning Awards 2024 are announced!
Day 2 – 19th September 2024
Exchange experience and tips with exhibitors and industry colleagues over coffee in the exhibition area.
● Fritte Fritzson, moderator at the Learning Conference
How is learning and development changing today? Join Donald H Taylor as he explores the challenges and opportunities for L&D in the 21st Century. Drawing on case studies and research, Donald will examine why things are changing so fast right now, look at some of the great opportunities and point to the dangers facing those who don’t change.
He will say that we need to adopt not only new technologies, but also new ways of working with the business and inside the L&D department.
• Why Artificial Intelligence is here to stay – and the difference it will make to L&D
• New tools for delivery, including VR, synthetic video and AI-driven coaching
• Why traditional views of teaching and learning are the greatest enemy to change
• The skills of the 21st century L&D department – and its leaders
● Donald H Taylor, Lead researcher, L&D Global Sentiment Survey
Mostly contained within the realm of learning content, the impact of AI on L&D has not been fully imagined and appreciated. From the pace of change in the workplace, the vast opportunity cost of inaction, to the possible wide-ranging effects of using AI early in the learning process, L&D is simultaneously deeply impacted by AI yet uniquely placed to be a transformative force in the business.
Where are we now? Where are we going? How will AI affect learning, skills, the workplace and, ultimately, the role of L&D in it? This session will explore the promise of AI, the reality on the ground, and the possible futures ahead of us.
● Egle Vinauskaite, Director and learning strategist, Nodes
Exchange experiences and tips with exhibitors and industry colleagues over a Swedish fika in the exhibition are.
Over the past 25 years, lifelong learning has circulated as a key policy concept, with different meanings. From talking about learning in more general terms, to targeting the concept at specific contexts, be it school, adult education, vocational training or working life. In recent years, the concept, not least in the Swedish context, has been linked even more clearly to working life. Here we see, among other things, initiatives in the form of investments in the expansion of higher vocational education, investments in vocational training within the framework of municipal adult education, and ambitions to get universities to offer shorter courses aimed at people in the middle of their working lives. The relationship between education and work becomes central here. This presentation focuses on the shifts that have taken place in what lifelong learning is seen to be, shifts in the view of the relationship between education and work, and which values are thus placed at the center, and which are pushed to the background. Who is lifelong learning for, and why?
● Andreas Fejes, Professor of Adult Education
Panelsamtal mellan Victoria Rubin, doktorand vid institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik Stockholms universitet och Jeanette Almberg, chef Sveriges Radio-akademin.
I det livslånga lärandet har arbetsplatsen en central roll. Panelsamtalet handlar om hur vi kan öka organisationens förmåga att stimulera till lärande och ta tillvara på det lärande som sker hos medarbetarna.
Moderator: Titti Elm, Programledare P4 Östergötland Sveriges Radio
● Jeanette Almberg, Chef för Sveriges Radio-akademin
● Viktoria Rubin, Doktorand, Stockholms universitet
Enjoy a delightful lunch while having the opportunity to network with other participants. Coffee will be served after lunch.
During the breakout sessions, you can choose which seminar you would like to attend. Select from various topics and deepen your knowledge in the areas that suit you best.
● Digital Skills
● Learning Sciences
● Lifelong Learning
● Learning Culture, Organization, and Strategy
● Learning Tech AI & Design
Exchange experiences and tips with exhibitors and industry colleagues over a Swedish fika in the exhibition are.
Paula will share her view on the transformative impact AI will have on work and the role human skills will have in that shift.
Paula has 20 years of experience in the IT and tech industry. She leads LinkedIn Talent Solutions business in Northern Europe, which includes the regions of Nordics and Benelux. Paula was one of the first employees in the Nordic region and has experienced a growth and transformational journey where the network has grown sixfold both in Sweden and internationally. Today, LinkedIn has 1 billion members. In her role, Paula spends time with talent leaders, helping them navigate through the ever-changing world of work and the big changes that are impacting how we attract, recruit, and retain talent.
● Paula Björnstjerna, Director Northern Europe, LinkedIn
Join us for a magical session where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary. As leaders in learning and development, we'll explore how to create experiences that truly inspire and engage. Together, we'll uncover the secret spells for designing impactful moments that spark curiosity, ignite passion, and foster a deep sense of connection. By harnessing the power of transformative moments, we'll unlock the full potential of the magic within L&D.
● Jenny Theolin, Lumineer of Learning (Head of Learning)
● Rubens Filho
Director of Spells (Co-founder, CEO)
● Fritte Fritzson, moderator at the Learning Conference
2024 års temaområden och spår
Digital skills
Digital kompetens är råvalutan i Sveriges konkurrenskraft, både inom välfärden och i näringslivet. Den digitala kompetensen är också grunden för “green skills” och den gröna omställningen. EU har satt upp tydliga mål som medlemsländerna skall nå om 80% av grundläggande digitala kompetens för hela befolkningen och 20 miljoner med digital spetskompetens år 2027. I den takt Sverige utvecklar en högre grad av grundläggande digital kompetens hos befolkningen (en ökningstakt om 0,5% om året) så når vi upp till 69% 2027. Finland har redan idag 79,5%. Vad betyder det för kompetensförsörjningen av svenska företag?
Learning Sciences
Design för engagemang, perfomance och motivation
Framgångsrika verksamheter bygger på medarbetare med god självinsikt, nyfikenhet och en vilja att tillsammans arbeta mot gemensamma mål. Viljan och attityden att lära är avgörande, men vad säger forskningen om hur vi skapar engagemang och motivation för lärande? Hur får vi team att samspela för att nå framgångar? Vad utmärker ett klimat där engagemang och motivation driver medarbetare att utveckla sig och organisationen?
Livslångt lärande
Livslångt lärande- universiteten står i en stor transformation
Tiden då vi utbildade oss i början av livet och sedan arbetade resten är över. De snabba förändringarna kräver lärande under hela livet, så även för akademiker. Universitet runt om i världen ser nu sin affärsmodell bli ifrågasatt. Här hemma i Sverige skall man nu lägga om sin strategi för att tillgodose behoven. Hur gör man det i praktiken?
Lärande kultur, organisation och strategi
Att utveckla en väl fungerande utbildningsorganisation som stöttar verksamheten fordrar inte bara tid och energi. Minst lika viktigt är kunskap om organisationens behov och förutsättningar, att snabbt kunna ställa om när förhållande förändras och mod att prova nya vägar. Hur organiserar och leder man en sådan verksamhet? Vilka roller är viktiga och vilka mandat behövs? Hur bygger vi en handlingsplan för förändring?